add_int_scalar_to_int_vector - Adds an integer scalar to a integer vector


#include "l/l_int_vector.h"

Example compile flags (system dependent):
   -L/home/kobus/misc/load/linux_x86_64_opteron -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  -lKJB                               -lfftw3  -lgsl -lgslcblas -ljpeg  -lSVM -lstdc++                    -lpthread -lSLATEC -lg2c    -lacml -lacml_mv -lblas -lg2c      -lncursesw 

int add_int_scalar_to_int_vector
	Int_vector **target_vpp,
	const Int_vector *source_vp,
	int scalar


This routine adds the the scalar in "scalar" to the vector in "source_vp", and puts the result in the vector pointed to by "target_vpp". That vector is created or resized as necessary. More specifically, the first argument is the adress of the target vector. If the target vector itself is null, then a vector of the appropriate size is created. If the target vector is the wrong size, it is resized. Finally, if it is the right size, then the storage is recycled, as is.


NO_ERROR on success, and ERROR on failure with the error message being set. Currently, failure can only be due to storage allocation error.




This software is not adequatedly tested. It is recomended that results are checked independantly where appropriate.


Ernesto Brau


Ernesto Brau


get_zero_int_vector , get_unity_int_vector , get_initialized_int_vector , ra_get_target_int_vector , create_int_vector , free_int_vector , vp_get_indexed_int_vector , get_zero_indexed_int_vector , get_target_indexed_int_vector , add_int_vectors , subtract_int_vectors , ow_add_int_vectors , ow_subtract_int_vectors , get_random_index_vector , split_int_vector_vector , split_int_vector , copy_int_vector_vector , copy_int_vector , copy_int_vector_section , read_int_vector , fp_read_int_vector , fp_read_raw_int_vector , fp_read_int_vector_with_header , fp_read_ascii_int_vector , fp_read_vector_length_header , write_col_int_vector , fp_write_col_int_vector , fp_write_col_int_vector_with_title , write_col_int_vector_with_header , fp_write_col_int_vector_with_header , write_row_int_vector , fp_write_row_int_vector , fp_write_row_int_vector_with_title , fp_write_vector_length_header , write_raw_int_vector , fp_write_raw_int_vector , get_target_int_vector_vector , free_int_vector_vector , get_target_int_v3 , free_int_v3 , int_vector_binary_search , int_vector_linear_search , sum_int_vector_elements , read_int_vector_vector , fp_read_int_vector_vector , fp_read_raw_int_vector_vector , fp_read_formatted_int_vector_vector , write_int_vector_vector , fp_write_int_vector_vector , write_raw_int_vector_vector , fp_write_raw_int_vector_vector , fp_write_raw_int_vector_vector_header , sget_int_vector , sget_positive_int_vector , sget_non_negative_int_vector , ow_copy_int_vector , min_int_vector_element , max_int_vector_element , get_max_int_vector_element , get_min_int_vector_element , multiply_int_vector_by_int_scalar , ow_multiply_int_vector_by_int_scalar , int_set_difference , is_element_in_int_vector , get_int_dot_product , int_vector_magnitude , sum_int_vector_squared_elements , check_same_int_vector_lengths , max_abs_int_vector_difference , int_vector_is_permutation , get_string_why_int_vector_is_not_permutation