check_same_vector_lengths - Checks that two vectors have the same length


#include "m/m_error.h"

Example compile flags (system dependent):
   -L/home/kobus/misc/load/linux_x86_64_opteron -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  -lKJB                               -lfftw3  -lgsl -lgslcblas -ljpeg  -lSVM -lstdc++                    -lpthread -lSLATEC -lg2c    -lacml -lacml_mv -lblas -lg2c      -lncursesw 

int check_same_vector_lengths
	const Vector *first_vp,
	const Vector *second_vp,
	const char *context_str


This routine checks that two vectors have the same length. If they do not,then the an error message is set and ERROR is returned. The argument context_str can be used to add more information; typically, it is the name of the calling routine, but it could be some other string which works well as the sequal to the message "failed in". If context_str is NULL, then it is not used.


NO_ERROR if the matrices have the same dimensions, and ERROR otherwise. Depending on the bug handler in place, this routine may not return at all.


If different vector lengths are likely due to a bug, then you may want to wrap this routine in the macro ESBRE(), which prints the error, calls set_bug(), (the "SB"), and then returns ERROR. If different vector lengths are simply an error that the calling routine should deal with, then wrapping the call to this routine in ERE() saves typing.


This software is not adequatedly tested. It is recomended that results are checked independantly where appropriate.


Kobus Barnard


Kobus Barnard


check_same_matrix_vector_dimensions , check_same_matrix_dimensions , get_points_with_error