fp_read_int_vector_vector - Reads an integer vector vector from data in a formated file


#include "l/l_int_vector.h"

Example compile flags (system dependent):
   -L/home/kobus/misc/load/linux_x86_64_opteron -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  -lKJB                               -lfftw3  -lgsl -lgslcblas -ljpeg  -lSVM -lstdc++                    -lpthread -lSLATEC -lg2c    -lacml -lacml_mv -lblas -lg2c      -lncursesw 

int fp_read_int_vector_vector
	Int_vector_vector **result_vvpp,
	FILE *fp


This routine reads an integer vector vector from a file. If the file_name is NULL or a null string, then stdin is assumed. If this is the case, and if the ource is not a file (i.e. a pipe), then this routine will fail. If there are multiple matrices in the file separated with soft EOFs, then the reading continues to the next soft (or hard) EOF. Currently only one format is implemented. Specifically we assume that the file is a formatted ascii file, and the dimensions are deduced from the number of rows and columns. The integer vector vector *result_vvpp is created or resized as necessary.


Either NO_ERROR, or ERROR, with an appropriate error message being set.


This software is not adequatedly tested. It is recomended that results are checked independantly where appropriate.


Kobus Barnard


Lindsay Martin and Kobus Barnard


get_zero_int_vector , get_unity_int_vector , get_initialized_int_vector , ra_get_target_int_vector , create_int_vector , free_int_vector , vp_get_indexed_int_vector , get_zero_indexed_int_vector , get_target_indexed_int_vector , add_int_vectors , subtract_int_vectors , ow_add_int_vectors , ow_subtract_int_vectors , get_random_index_vector , split_int_vector_vector , split_int_vector , copy_int_vector_vector , copy_int_vector , copy_int_vector_section , read_int_vector , fp_read_int_vector , fp_read_raw_int_vector , fp_read_int_vector_with_header , fp_read_ascii_int_vector , fp_read_vector_length_header , write_col_int_vector , fp_write_col_int_vector , fp_write_col_int_vector_with_title , write_col_int_vector_with_header , fp_write_col_int_vector_with_header , write_row_int_vector , fp_write_row_int_vector , fp_write_row_int_vector_with_title , fp_write_vector_length_header , write_raw_int_vector , fp_write_raw_int_vector , get_target_int_vector_vector , free_int_vector_vector , get_target_int_v3 , free_int_v3 , int_vector_binary_search , int_vector_linear_search , sum_int_vector_elements , read_int_vector_vector , fp_read_raw_int_vector_vector , fp_read_formatted_int_vector_vector , write_int_vector_vector , fp_write_int_vector_vector , write_raw_int_vector_vector , fp_write_raw_int_vector_vector , fp_write_raw_int_vector_vector_header , sget_int_vector , sget_positive_int_vector , sget_non_negative_int_vector , ow_copy_int_vector , min_int_vector_element , max_int_vector_element , get_max_int_vector_element , get_min_int_vector_element , multiply_int_vector_by_int_scalar , ow_multiply_int_vector_by_int_scalar , add_int_scalar_to_int_vector , int_set_difference , is_element_in_int_vector , get_int_dot_product , int_vector_magnitude , sum_int_vector_squared_elements , check_same_int_vector_lengths , max_abs_int_vector_difference , int_vector_is_permutation , get_string_why_int_vector_is_not_permutation