fp_read_vector_length_header - Reads vector length header from file.


#include "l/l_int_vector.h"

Example compile flags (system dependent):
   -L/home/kobus/misc/load/linux_x86_64_opteron -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  -lKJB                               -lfftw3  -lgsl -lgslcblas -ljpeg  -lSVM -lstdc++                    -lpthread -lSLATEC -lg2c    -lacml -lacml_mv -lblas -lg2c      -lncursesw 

int fp_read_vector_length_header
	FILE *fp,
	int *length_ptr


This routine reads the vector length header from the file pointed to by the argument "fp". If the header contains information about the vector length, then the corresponding variables whose pointers are arguments are set. Variables are not changed unless there is information in the header. The vector length header has the format:
    #! length=<vector-length>
(The "#" is actually the comment char (user settable) and the "!" is acutally the header char, also user settable).


Either NO_ERROR if a vector length header was successfully read, or ERROR on a file error or if no header is present.


This routine can fail if the stream is a pipe. The argument fp must point to something that can be "seeked". Exaclty what that is can depend on the OS.


This software is not adequatedly tested. It is recomended that results are checked independantly where appropriate.


Kobus Barnard


Kobus Barnard


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