get_int_dot_product - Computes the dot product of two int vectors


#include "l/l_int_vector.h"

Example compile flags (system dependent):
   -L/home/kobus/misc/load/linux_x86_64_opteron -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  -lKJB                               -lfftw3  -lgsl -lgslcblas -ljpeg  -lSVM -lstdc++                    -lpthread -lSLATEC -lg2c    -lacml -lacml_mv -lblas -lg2c      -lncursesw 

int get_int_dot_product
	const Int_vector *vp1,
	const Int_vector *vp2,
	long int *result_ptr


This routine computes the dot product two vectors and puts the result in *result_ptr. If both vectors are NULL, then the result is zero.


NO_ERROR on success, and ERROR on failure. Currenty, this outine will only fail if the vectors are of unequal length or if one of them is NULL but the other is not. If the routine fails, an appropriate error message being set.


Vectors of unequal lenths has been treated as a bug (see kjb_bug(3)) in some previous versions, and it is possible that we will go back to this behaviour in the future. Currently, we do not have a good convention for this, and putting one in place may change things. However, such a change should not affect code that checks for an error return.


This software is not adequatedly tested. It is recomended that results are checked independantly where appropriate.


Kobus Barnard


Kobus Barnard


get_zero_int_vector , get_unity_int_vector , get_initialized_int_vector , ra_get_target_int_vector , create_int_vector , free_int_vector , vp_get_indexed_int_vector , get_zero_indexed_int_vector , get_target_indexed_int_vector , add_int_vectors , subtract_int_vectors , ow_add_int_vectors , ow_subtract_int_vectors , get_random_index_vector , split_int_vector_vector , split_int_vector , copy_int_vector_vector , copy_int_vector , copy_int_vector_section , read_int_vector , fp_read_int_vector , fp_read_raw_int_vector , fp_read_int_vector_with_header , fp_read_ascii_int_vector , fp_read_vector_length_header , write_col_int_vector , fp_write_col_int_vector , fp_write_col_int_vector_with_title , write_col_int_vector_with_header , fp_write_col_int_vector_with_header , write_row_int_vector , fp_write_row_int_vector , fp_write_row_int_vector_with_title , fp_write_vector_length_header , write_raw_int_vector , fp_write_raw_int_vector , get_target_int_vector_vector , free_int_vector_vector , get_target_int_v3 , free_int_v3 , int_vector_binary_search , int_vector_linear_search , sum_int_vector_elements , read_int_vector_vector , fp_read_int_vector_vector , fp_read_raw_int_vector_vector , fp_read_formatted_int_vector_vector , write_int_vector_vector , fp_write_int_vector_vector , write_raw_int_vector_vector , fp_write_raw_int_vector_vector , fp_write_raw_int_vector_vector_header , sget_int_vector , sget_positive_int_vector , sget_non_negative_int_vector , ow_copy_int_vector , min_int_vector_element , max_int_vector_element , get_max_int_vector_element , get_min_int_vector_element , multiply_int_vector_by_int_scalar , ow_multiply_int_vector_by_int_scalar , add_int_scalar_to_int_vector , int_set_difference , is_element_in_int_vector , int_vector_magnitude , sum_int_vector_squared_elements , check_same_int_vector_lengths , max_abs_int_vector_difference , int_vector_is_permutation , get_string_why_int_vector_is_not_permutation