get_string_why_int_vector_is_not_permutation - Explain why input is not a permutation


#include "l/l_int_vector.h"

Example compile flags (system dependent):
   -L/home/kobus/misc/load/linux_x86_64_opteron -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  -lKJB                               -lfftw3  -lgsl -lgslcblas -ljpeg  -lSVM -lstdc++                    -lpthread -lSLATEC -lg2c    -lacml -lacml_mv -lblas -lg2c      -lncursesw 

int get_string_why_int_vector_is_not_permutation
	const Int_vector *vp,
	int start_value,
	char *out_buf,
	size_t buf_size


This is a helper function complementing int_vector_is_permutation(). Once you know an int vector is NOT a permutation, as defined for that function, you can use this function to offer one reason why. The output is supplied as a C-style string written into the buffer provided by 'out_buf' and 'buf_size.' If the input is, in fact, a permutation, then the output string is the empty string. Lazy programmers can thus even use this function as a roundabout way to avoid calling int_vector_is_permutation().


This returns ERROR if we cannot allocate the auxiliary array this routine needs, if the output pointer out_buf equals NULL, or if buf_size is zero; also, an error string is generated. Otherwise this returns NO_ERROR.




This software is not adequatedly tested. It is recomended that results are checked independantly where appropriate.


Andrew Predoehl


Andrew Predoehl


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