get_target_int_matrix - Gets target Int_matrix


#include "l/l_int_matrix.h"

Example compile flags (system dependent):
   -L/home/kobus/misc/load/linux_x86_64_opteron -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  -lKJB                               -lfftw3  -lgsl -lgslcblas -ljpeg  -lSVM -lstdc++                    -lpthread -lSLATEC -lg2c    -lacml -lacml_mv -lblas -lg2c      -lncursesw 

int get_target_int_matrix
	Int_matrix **target_mpp,
	int num_rows,
	int num_cols


This routine implements the creation/over-writing semantics used in the KJB library in the case of integer matrices. If *target_mpp is NULL, then this routine creates the int_matrix. If it is not null, and it is the right size, then this routine does nothing. If it is the wrong size, then it is resized. In order to be memory efficient, we free before resizing. If the resizing fails, then the original contents of the *target_mpp will be lost. However, target_mpp->elements will be set to NULL, so *target_mpp can be safely sent to free_matrix(). The sizes (num_rows and num_cols) must both be nonnegative. Conventionally, num_rows and num_cols are both positive; however, it is also acceptable to have num_rows and num_cols both zero. Anything else (such as a mix of positive and zero sizes) is regarded as a bug in the calling program -- set_bug(3) is called and (if it returns) ERROR is returned.




This software is not adequatedly tested. It is recomended that results are checked independantly where appropriate.


Kobus Barnard


Kobus Barnard


same_int_matrix_dimensions , get_zero_int_matrix , get_initialized_int_matrix , ra_get_target_int_matrix , get_diagonal_int_matrix , free_int_matrix , ow_zero_int_matrix , ow_set_int_matrix , ra_get_target_int_matrix_vector , get_target_int_matrix_vector , free_int_matrix_vector , get_target_int_vector_matrix , free_int_vector_matrix , concat_int_matrices_vertically , copy_int_matrix , ow_copy_int_matrix , copy_int_matrix_block , ow_copy_int_matrix_block , copy_int_matrix_row , copy_int_matrix_col , get_int_matrix_row , get_int_matrix_col , put_int_matrix_row , put_int_matrix_col , get_int_transpose , get_int_identity_matrix , swap_int_matrix_rows , min_int_matrix_element , max_int_matrix_element , max_abs_int_matrix_difference , check_same_int_matrix_dimensions , sum_int_matrix_elements , sum_int_matrix_rows , ow_sum_int_matrix_rows , ow_add_col_int_vector_to_int_matrix , ow_add_row_int_vector_to_int_matrix , ow_add_int_scalar_to_int_matrix , subtract_int_matrices , ow_subtract_int_matrices , multiply_int_matrices , ow_get_abs_of_int_matrix , get_abs_of_int_matrix , multiply_int_matrix_by_int_scalar , ow_multiply_int_matrix_by_int_scalar , multiply_int_matrix_and_int_vector , multiply_int_vector_and_int_matrix , add_int_matrices , ow_add_int_matrices , get_target_int_matrix_vector_vector , free_int_matrix_vector_vector