multiply_matrix_rows - Multiplies each row of a matrix by each row of another


#include "m/m_mat_arith.h"

Example compile flags (system dependent):
   -L/home/kobus/misc/load/linux_x86_64_opteron -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  -lKJB                               -lfftw3  -lgsl -lgslcblas -ljpeg  -lSVM -lstdc++                    -lpthread -lSLATEC -lg2c    -lacml -lacml_mv -lblas -lg2c      -lncursesw 

int multiply_matrix_rows
	Matrix **target_mpp,
	const Matrix *first_mp,
	const Matrix *second_mp


This routine multiplies each row of a matrix by each row of another. The number of columns in the two matrices must be the same. The resulting matrix is a stack of elementwise mulitiplied rows, starting with the first row of the first matrix multiplied by each row in the second matrix, and so on. The first argument is a pointer to the target matrix. If the target matrix itself is null, then a matrix of the appropriate size is created. If the target matrix is the wrong size, it is resized. Finally, if it is the right size, then the storage is recycled, as is.


NO_ERROR on success, and ERROR on failure, with an error message being set. Currenly this routine can only fail (gracefully!) due to memory allocation failure. The routine will also fail due to dimension mismatch, but this is currently treated as a bug (see set_bug()).


This routine was created to simplify multipliying spectra, and is used in several other ways as well. However, it seems not to be a natural interface. Thus either the routine or the name may change in the future. It should be considered somewhat OBSOLETE.


The target matrix (first argument) must be different from the other two matrices.


This software is not adequatedly tested. It is recomended that results are checked independantly where appropriate.


Kobus Barnard


Kobus Barnard


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