normalize_vector_2 - Normalizes the elements of a vector.


#include "m/m_vec_norm.h"

Example compile flags (system dependent):
   -L/home/kobus/misc/load/linux_x86_64_opteron -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  -lKJB                               -lfftw3  -lgsl -lgslcblas -ljpeg  -lSVM -lstdc++                    -lpthread -lSLATEC -lg2c    -lacml -lacml_mv -lblas -lg2c      -lncursesw 

int normalize_vector_2
	Vector **target_vpp,
	const Vector *vp,
	Norm_method normalization_method,
	double *scale_factor_ptr


Vector **target_vpp
Double pointer to output Vector.
const Vector *vp
Pointer to input Vector.
Norm_method normalization_method
Method to use.

Possible values for a

are as follows:
double *scale_factor_ptr
Optional return of scaling


This routine normalizes an input vector and places the result into the specified target vector. The normalization method must be supplied as an argument. "target_vpp" is a double pointer to the Vector object to receive the normalized output. "vp" points to the source Vector object to normalize. "normalization_method" indicates which normalization to perform. Currently, the following values are supported: DONT_NORMALIZE - Do nothing. "target_vpp" is untouched. NORMALIZE_BY_MAGNITUDE - Vector magnitude normalized to 1. NORMALIZE_BY_MEAN - Vector mean value normailized to 1. NORMALIZE_BY_SUM - Sum of elements normalized to 1. NORMALIZE_BY_MAX_ABS_VALUE - Maximum absolute value is normalized to 1. The argument scale_factor_ptr can be used to return the scale factor used to normalize the vector. Set it to NULL if you are not interested. If "vp" is NULL, then "*target_vpp" becomes NULL also (and its contents are freed if it has any), and NO_ERROR is returned. All normalization methods divide each element of the vector by the specified quantity. Errors will be triggered if the normalization quantity is close to zero.


NO_ERROR on success, ERROR on failure.




This software is not adequatedly tested. It is recomended that results are checked independantly where appropriate.


Kobus Barnard


Lindsay Martin and Kobus Barnard


normalize_vector , scale_vector_by_sum , scale_vector_by_mean , scale_vector_by_max_abs , scale_vector_by_max , scale_vector_by_magnitude , ow_normalize_vector , silent_ow_scale_vector_by_sum , safe_ow_scale_vector_by_sum , safe_ow_scale_vector_by_sum_2 , ow_scale_vector_by_sum , ow_scale_vector_by_mean , ow_scale_vector_by_max_abs , ow_scale_vector_by_max , ow_scale_vector_by_magnitude , scale_vector_by_sum_2 , scale_vector_by_mean_2 , scale_vector_by_max_abs_2 , scale_vector_by_max_2 , scale_vector_by_magnitude_2 , ow_normalize_vector_2 , ow_scale_vector_by_sum_2 , ow_scale_vector_by_mean_2 , ow_scale_vector_by_max_abs_2 , ow_scale_vector_by_max_2 , ow_scale_vector_by_magnitude_2 , vector_magnitude , max_abs_vector_element , min_vector_element , max_vector_element , get_min_vector_element , get_max_vector_element , max_thresh_vector , min_thresh_vector , ow_max_thresh_vector , ow_min_thresh_vector , ow_normalize_log_prob_vp , ow_exp_scale_by_sum_log_vector