ow_normalize_vector_2 - Normalizes the elements of a vector, overwriting contents.


#include "m/m_vec_norm.h"

Example compile flags (system dependent):
   -L/home/kobus/misc/load/linux_x86_64_opteron -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  -lKJB                               -lfftw3  -lgsl -lgslcblas -ljpeg  -lSVM -lstdc++                    -lpthread -lSLATEC -lg2c    -lacml -lacml_mv -lblas -lg2c      -lncursesw 

int ow_normalize_vector_2
	Vector *vp,
	Norm_method normalization_method,
	double *scale_factor_ptr


Vector *vp
Pointer to input Vector. Contents overwritten.
double *scale_factor_ptr
Optional return of scaling


This routine normalizes an input vector, overwriting the vector's exisiting contents. The normalization method must be supplied as an argument. "vp" points to the source Vector object to normalize. The initial contents of this vector will be overwritten with the normalized values. "normalization_method" indicates which normalization to perform. Currently, the following values are supported: DONT_NORMALIZE - Do nothing. "vp" is untouched. NORMALIZE_BY_MAGNITUDE - Vector magnitude normalized to 1. NORMALIZE_BY_MEAN - Vector mean value normailized to 1. NORMALIZE_BY_SUM - Sum of elements normalized to 1. NORMALIZE_BY_MAX_ABS_VALUE - Maximum absolute value is normalized to 1. The argument scale_factor_ptr can be used to return the scale factor used to normalize the vector. Set it to NULL if you are not interested. If "vp" is NULL, then this routine simply returns NO_ERROR. All normalization methods divide each element of the vector by the specified quantity. Errors will be triggered if the normalization quantity is close to zero.


NO_ERROR on success, ERROR on failure.




This software is not adequatedly tested. It is recomended that results are checked independantly where appropriate.


Kobus Barnard


Lindsay Martin and Kobus Barnard


normalize_vector , scale_vector_by_sum , scale_vector_by_mean , scale_vector_by_max_abs , scale_vector_by_max , scale_vector_by_magnitude , ow_normalize_vector , silent_ow_scale_vector_by_sum , safe_ow_scale_vector_by_sum , safe_ow_scale_vector_by_sum_2 , ow_scale_vector_by_sum , ow_scale_vector_by_mean , ow_scale_vector_by_max_abs , ow_scale_vector_by_max , ow_scale_vector_by_magnitude , normalize_vector_2 , scale_vector_by_sum_2 , scale_vector_by_mean_2 , scale_vector_by_max_abs_2 , scale_vector_by_max_2 , scale_vector_by_magnitude_2 , ow_scale_vector_by_sum_2 , ow_scale_vector_by_mean_2 , ow_scale_vector_by_max_abs_2 , ow_scale_vector_by_max_2 , ow_scale_vector_by_magnitude_2 , vector_magnitude , max_abs_vector_element , min_vector_element , max_vector_element , get_min_vector_element , get_max_vector_element , max_thresh_vector , min_thresh_vector , ow_max_thresh_vector , ow_min_thresh_vector , ow_normalize_log_prob_vp , ow_exp_scale_by_sum_log_vector