read_int_vector - Reads data from a file specified by name into an integer vector


#include "l/l_int_vector.h"

Example compile flags (system dependent):
   -L/home/kobus/misc/load/linux_x86_64_opteron -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  -lKJB                               -lfftw3  -lgsl -lgslcblas -ljpeg  -lSVM -lstdc++                    -lpthread -lSLATEC -lg2c    -lacml -lacml_mv -lblas -lg2c      -lncursesw 

int read_int_vector
	Int_vector **vpp,
	const char *file_name


This routine reads data contained in a file specified by its name into an integer vector. The length of the new vector is determined by the number of data elements contained in the input file. The integer vector pointed to by *vpp is created or resized as necessary. "file_name" points to a character array specifying the name of the file to read the data from. If the "file_name" argument is NULL, or the first character is null, input is expected from STDIN instead of a file.


NO_ERROR on success and ERROR on failure, with an appropriate error message being set.


fp_read_int_vector, fp_read_int_vector


This software is not adequatedly tested. It is recomended that results are checked independantly where appropriate.


Kobus Barnard


Kobus Barnard


get_zero_int_vector , get_unity_int_vector , get_initialized_int_vector , ra_get_target_int_vector , create_int_vector , free_int_vector , vp_get_indexed_int_vector , get_zero_indexed_int_vector , get_target_indexed_int_vector , add_int_vectors , subtract_int_vectors , ow_add_int_vectors , ow_subtract_int_vectors , get_random_index_vector , split_int_vector_vector , split_int_vector , copy_int_vector_vector , copy_int_vector , copy_int_vector_section , fp_read_int_vector , fp_read_raw_int_vector , fp_read_int_vector_with_header , fp_read_ascii_int_vector , fp_read_vector_length_header , write_col_int_vector , fp_write_col_int_vector , fp_write_col_int_vector_with_title , write_col_int_vector_with_header , fp_write_col_int_vector_with_header , write_row_int_vector , fp_write_row_int_vector , fp_write_row_int_vector_with_title , fp_write_vector_length_header , write_raw_int_vector , fp_write_raw_int_vector , get_target_int_vector_vector , free_int_vector_vector , get_target_int_v3 , free_int_v3 , int_vector_binary_search , int_vector_linear_search , sum_int_vector_elements , read_int_vector_vector , fp_read_int_vector_vector , fp_read_raw_int_vector_vector , fp_read_formatted_int_vector_vector , write_int_vector_vector , fp_write_int_vector_vector , write_raw_int_vector_vector , fp_write_raw_int_vector_vector , fp_write_raw_int_vector_vector_header , sget_int_vector , sget_positive_int_vector , sget_non_negative_int_vector , ow_copy_int_vector , min_int_vector_element , max_int_vector_element , get_max_int_vector_element , get_min_int_vector_element , multiply_int_vector_by_int_scalar , ow_multiply_int_vector_by_int_scalar , add_int_scalar_to_int_vector , int_set_difference , is_element_in_int_vector , get_int_dot_product , int_vector_magnitude , sum_int_vector_squared_elements , check_same_int_vector_lengths , max_abs_int_vector_difference , int_vector_is_permutation , get_string_why_int_vector_is_not_permutation