sget_line - Reads a line from a string into a buffer


#include "l/l_string.h"

Example compile flags (system dependent):
   -L/home/kobus/misc/load/linux_x86_64_opteron -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  -lKJB                               -lfftw3  -lgsl -lgslcblas -ljpeg  -lSVM -lstdc++                    -lpthread -lSLATEC -lg2c    -lacml -lacml_mv -lblas -lg2c      -lncursesw 

int sget_line
	char **str_ptr,
	char *line,
	size_t max_len


char **str_ptr
Address of string pointer. Will be moved to next line.
char *line
Buffer for the line.
size_t max_len
Size of buffer.


The routine sget_line copies the next line of a string into a buffer. The string position is the set to the begining of the part which was not read. If there is enough room in the buffer, all the characters up to the new line are read. Otherwise, only max_len-1 characters are read. Regardless, the buffer is terminated with a NULL. The new line character is processed, but not copied. In other words, line will not contain a new line character.


If there are no more characters to be read, then EOF is returned. If the buffer is not large enough, SET_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_BUG() is called, and TRUNCATED is returned. Otherwise NO_ERROR is returned.


If the argument is (const char**), then use const_sget_line() instead. Both sget_line() and const_sget_line() do the same thing. Neither change the actual string being parsed, only the position pointer. There are two versions to better communicate with various compilers.


If the number of characters read is required, then sget_line_2 should be used.


BUFF_SGET_LINE(char** str_ptr, char line[]) The buffer size parameter is set to sizeof(line). Using sizeof to set the buffer size is recomended where applicable, as the code will not be broken if the buffer size changes. HOWEVER, neither this method, nor the macro, is applicable if line is NOT a character array. If line is declared by "char* line", then the size of line is the number of bytes in a character pointer (usually 4), which is NOT what is normally intended. You have been WARNED!


This software is not adequatedly tested. It is recomended that results are checked independantly where appropriate.


Kobus Barnard


Kobus Barnard


signed_strlen , trim_beg , const_trim_beg , trim_end , trim_len , gen_trim_beg , const_gen_trim_beg , gen_trim_end , extended_uc_lc , extended_lc_uc , extended_n_uc_lc , extended_n_lc_uc , extended_tolower , extended_toupper , void_strcmp , kjb_strcmp , kjb_memcmp , kjb_strncmp , kjb_ic_strcmp , kjb_ic_strncmp , head_cmp , ic_head_cmp , ptr_strcmp , ptr_strncmp , ptr_ic_strcmp , ptr_head_cmp , ptr_ic_head_cmp , rpad , rpad_cpy , kjb_strdup , str_trunc_cpy , str_trunc_cat , trunc_quote_cpy , kjb_buff_cpy , kjb_strncpy , kjb_memcpy , extended_lc_strncpy , extended_uc_strncpy , kjb_buff_cat , kjb_strncat , cap_first_letter_cpy , str_build , str_n_build , str_char_build , byte_build , increment_byte_copy , fill_with_blanks , find_string , find_char , n_find_char , find_char_pair , count_char , word_in_phrase , char_for_char_translate , remove_duplicate_chars , str_delete , str_insert , const_sget_line , sget_line_2 , const_sget_line_2 , get_str_indent , last_char , kjb_reverse , output_str