This course will make extensive use of basic linear algebra and geometry. A sound understanding of using matrices to represent transformations will be very helpful. You should be comfortable thinking about problems such as: Given a point, is it in the plane of a polygon? If so, and if the polygon is convex, is the point inside the polygon? What are the points of intersection of two polygons? I will go over the requisite math as it arises, but if you are not confident with your background, you may wish to contact the instructor to discuss it.
This course will have a heavy programming component.
Course orientation. Introduction to graphics. Graphics primitives. Introduction to OpenGl. Event processing via callbacks for interactive graphics programs. How images are made to appear on computer monitors (2).
Basic algorithms for drawing lines, anti-aliasing, filling polygons, etc. (2).
2D Clipping (1).
2D transformations. Mapping to view-port. Homogeneous coordinates (2).
3D transformations (1).
Projecting from 3D to 2D, 3D clipping (3).
Basic color, shading and surface models (Lambertian, Phong) (1).
3D visibility (back plane culling, Z buffer, ray casting, etc) (2).
Ray tracing (1).
Modeling basics. Hierarchical modeling; Introduction to constructive solid geometry (2).
Curves and curved surfaces. Fractals (2).
Shading and surface models revisited, Gouraud shading, Radiosity (2).
Animation (1).
Color revisited (1).
I reserve some flexibility for shuffling the weights.
Programming assignments will be handed in electronically, and thus will be time stamped. Material to be submitted will include source code, a makefile, an executable, and likely other files as explained in the instructions for each given assignment.
The programs must build (and the executable must run) on Linux. The installations available on the machines in the graphics lab will be used as reference systems for submitted material. If programs are developed elsewhere, or on other OS's, they should be checked on these machines before being handed in.
The programming assignments are designed to both provide experience in writing interactive graphics software, and to help students learn specific theoretical material.
The exams will include material which is not part of the programming assignments.
Exams must be attended at their appointed time unless you have permission in advance to do otherwise.
Assignment late policy: Late assignments will be accepted until the TA has finished with the marking, or five days late, whichever comes later. From that point onwards, assignments will not be accepted. This is a matter of courtesy to your TA. The late penalty is 5% per day.
Some attempt will be made to detect violations of the University of Arizona's academic integrity policy. Specifically, exams and written assignment must be the sole work of the student. Students may help each other with the problem analysis and general strategies relevant to the programing assignments, but detailed help or code sharing is not permitted. All code in programming assignments will be assumed to have been written by the student (or student team) unless attribution is given. An obvious exception to this rule is sample code which has been provided by the instructor for this course through the course web page tree. Such code does not require attribution (we know where it came from). It is also permissible to include with attribution code from external sources provided that the code is published, has not been solicited, and was not written for course requirement for this or a similar course given elsewhere.