CSc 477/577: Computer Vision (Spring, 2010)
[ Slides and Notes ]

Access to many of the linked pages is currently limited to (there is password access for offsite use).

This course and its materials owe much to others, including David Forsyth, David Martin and Brian Funt. I am currently limiting access in order not to preempt the distribution of materials by the original authors. I am willing to share the parts that I mostly wrote, and I can likely arrange for the sharing of materials which were largely developed by others, or point you to the appropriate person to ask. Please contact me if you would like to use some of the materials.

Lecture Videos

Video lectures should be available within 48 hours of the lecture date (often, lectures will be linked here before the links are functioning). I'm told the "iTunes" and "Web" links should work find with iTunes on Mac and Windows. If you're on Linux, try VLC (it may take a few seconds to stop skipping), or use the "mp4" link. Note that the mp4 link requires a password which was distributed on the course mailing list.
Lecture DateTopicLink
May 4 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
April 29 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
April 27 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
April 22 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
April 20 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
April 15 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
April 13 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
April 8 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
April 6 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
April 1 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
March 30 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
March 25 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
March 23 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
March 11 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
March 9 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
March 4 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
March 2 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
February 25 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
February 23 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
February 18 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
February 16 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
February 11 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
February 9 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
February 4 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
February 2 Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
January 28 Geometric Camera Calibration Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
January 26 Image Formulation / Pinhole Cameras Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
January 21 Image Formation / Camera Color Calibration Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
January 19 Math Review / Image Formation, Spectral Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4
January 14 Intro Part A: iTunes Web mp4
Part B: iTunes Web mp4

Supplemental Lectures

Derivation of formula for nonhomogenous least squares.
Derivation of formula for homogenous least squares.
Real cameras
Rotations in 3D
The Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)
Deriving the intrinsic parameters from M, according to the text.
Slides on color (from Graphics course).
Slides on Fourier methods from a previous version of the course.
Slides on Fourier methods from a previous version of the course.
Probability (unsused chapter from book)

Archival Versions of Lectures (with corrections)

Lecture 1 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 2 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 3 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 4 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 5 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 6 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 7 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 8 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 9 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 10 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 11 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 12 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 13 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 14 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 15 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 16 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 17 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 18 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 19 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 20 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 21 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 22 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 23 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 24 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 25 (PDF, 4 to a page)
Lecture 26 (PDF, 4 to a page)