CSC 645 Class Schedule

Date Presenter Reading Homework
Jan 11
Kobus Introductory Lecture None
Jan 16/18
Kobus Chapter one.

Details in sections 1.2.6 are less critical, but the meaning of equation 1.68 is important. Details of 1.5.5 and 1.6 are less critical, but try to get some sense of the main information theory concepts if you don't already know them.


Selected solutions

Jan 23/25
Joe / Kate Chapter two.

Details in section 2.3 are quite technical. You will need to use some judgment about what to study depending on your background. However, try to get some of the main points regardless. The Robbins-Monro method is not so important for a first cut on this material. The same goes for section 2.3.8 which can be skipped if you like.


Selected solutions
(compiled by Kate, Joe, and Kobus)

Jan 30 / Feb 1
Lennie / Prasad Chapter 8, up to and including 8.3.3.

This is the first chapter that goes well beyond "review", and so we will break it into two pieces.


Provided/compiled by Lennie and Prasad.

Feb 6 / Feb 8
Anarug / Ernesto Rest of Chapter 8.


Compiled by Anarug and Ernesto

Feb 13 / Feb 15
Siou / John Chapter 9 and Appendix E. Section 9.3.4 can be skipped. 9.4 is a bit technical and less essential; can be skipped, especially if you are relatively new to EM.

Appendix E covers the method of Lagrange multipliers. This is an important optimization technique that has, among its many applications, maximizing the likelihood in the derivation of most EM equations. I found Bishop's treatment very clear.

The key points for this week are:

  • A general approach (EM) to missing variable problems. The missing variables are denoted Z in the book. If you are clustering, what is "missing" variable is which cluster is responsible for each point.
  • The specific example of Gaussian mixture model (GMM), that is useful, and serves as the canonical example of EM.
  • An important approach to clustering (K-means / GMM).

Possible difficulties:

  • The index notation (e.g. the exponent z_k) in equations starting on page 431. This is a notational trick. Because z_k has only one instance that is 1, the others being zero, when used as an exponent of terms in a product, it "selects" the appropriate factor.
  • The Q function. Sometimes this creates confusion. The Q function is never evaluated. It is just what you consider maximizing when you derive the EM equations. The maximal value is what you actually compute (M-Step).

Link to supplementary file with two probability computation tricks.

The first may be useful for the assignment. The second is useful if you ever want to do large scale EM computations.


Compiled by Siou and John.

Feb 20 / Feb 22
Igor / Rui Chapter 13 up to and including 13.2.5.

The rest of the chapter is useful and interesting, and time spent skimming it is not wasted, but our goal for this week is understanding the basic HMM.

Note: Equation 13.68 looks like it has a typo. (As do 13.65 and 13.70).


Compiled by Igor and Rui

Feb 27 / Mar 1
Brian / Akshay Chapter 11 (up to and including 11.3; the balance can be a function of time and level of interest). I also suggest skipping the last few paragraphs of 11.1.4, and all of 11.1.5.

Link to a nice alternative treatment.

The key points for this week are:

  • Sampling probability distributions in general (Section 11.1.1).
  • Using a proposal distribution to help sample difficult distributions to sample, and general difficulties with sampling due to high dimensionality and other factors (Section 11.1.2-11.1.4).
  • MCMC (e.g. Metropolis Hastings)---this is a very important tool!
  • Gibbs sampling.


Mar 6 / Mar 8
Colin / Theresa Chapter 12.

From a technical perspective, we will focus on the material through 12.2. Furthermore, some of the material on probabilistic PCA is more technical than desired for a first exposure. Nonetheless, try to get the main points. In particular, make sure you understand Figures 12.9 and 12.12. If you are relatively new to PCA, most of your energy should be spent on the pages up to and including 572.

If you are already familiar with kernel methods, 12.3 may be of interest; otherwise wait until after the break. ICA (covered in 12.4) is of interest, but the coverage is very brief. 12.4.3 covers important ideas, but does not go into technical depth. Worth a skim if you have time.

Mar 20 / Mar 22
Kobus Review and Synthesis

Mar 27 / Mar 29
Pallavi and Anurag Chapter 3.

Section 3.5 will be omitted from the presented part; however you might find it interesting.
I did not find section 3.1.5 very interesting. The result is pretty obvious, and I have never been tempted to fit the same model to data that is different enough to be represented by different dimension. Perhaps I just don't it?

Section 3.3.3 may seem a bit mysterious at first if you have never seen it before, but it is well worth the effort to understand.

You should try to understand most of the figures in the assigned sections. I think they provide a lot of intuition on the topic.



Apr 03 / Apr 05
Mehul and Lennie Chapter 4.

We will focus our attention on the material up to and including page 206. We will pay some attention to 4.3.4 and 4.3.5 which should be skimmed. The rest of the chapter is for keeners only.



Apr 10 / Apr 12
Abhishek and Julio Chapter 5.

We will focus our attention on 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5 up to 5.5.3 (inclusive), 5.5.6, and 5.6. (Alternatively: Skip 5.4, 5.5.4, 5.5.5, and 5.7).



Apr 17 / Apr 19
Travis and Kevin Chapter 6.

We will focus on 6.1 and 6.2, and 6.4 up to 6.4.2 inclusive.

Late breaking suggestion: Have a look at 12.3.


No solutions due to special informal format for this week.

Apr 24 / Apr 26
Pierre and John N. Chapter 7. We will focus on 7.1. If you are already familiar with SVM's., then 7.2 might be of interest, but otherwise focus on 7.1.

Read this also:

Finally, you might find some of the issues better addressed in this supplemetary tutorial.



May 1
Kobus Wrap up