CSC 665 Class Schedule
(under construction --- changes are inevitable)

Link to syllabus

I have included CVPR milestones in the following schedule. CVPR is a key vision conference with a submission deadline of November 11. Milestones are included to facilitate synchronizing CVPR activities with the class, as some projects might be connected to CVPR submission. However, CVPR related activities or paper submission are not course requirements.

Who Description Files
August 27
Kobus Introductory class. Topics include class format and scheduling the first few weeks, finding a project, planning research, presentation strategy, and providing feedback.
September 03
Everyone Initial indication of project topic due to Kobus via email. Any negotiation about project suitability must be finished within ten days.
Luca Del Pero Vision lecture on an introduction of intrinsic camera parameters estimation using single view geometry single_view_geometry.ppt
Jeremy Wright Vision lecture on introduction to probabilistic tracking Kalman-filters-2.0.ppt
Kobus Vision software
September 10
Everyone Target for confirmation of project topic
Luca Del Pero Continue the lecture on estimation of camera intrinsic parameters from the absolute conic projective_trasnformation1.pptx projective_transformation2.pptx
Jinyan Guan Vision lecture on an introduction of tracking people by their appearance Ramanan's paper
Jinyan's presentation
Kobus Presentation advice
September 14 (Tuesday)
Everyone Absolute final deadline for confirmation of project topic.
September 17
Everyone Project proposal presentations
Kobus Writing, especially research proposals AND the review process (initially scheduled for next week, but Kobus will be away).
September 24

Kobus is away

Everyone Proposal writeup DUE
Denis Gorbunov Vision lecture on an overview in a tutorial style of Human Attributes from 3D Pose Tracking paper by Sigal, Fleet, Troje, and Livne humanattributes.tar.gz
Kobus The review process (done in the previous week due to travel).
September 30
CVPR paper drafts due to Kobus in two weeks.
October 01
Everyone Proposal reviews DUE
Kyle Simek Automatic turntable calibration using image of absolute conics. presentation.pdf
Yekaterina Kharitonova Vision lecture on restoration of out-of-focus lecture video by automatic slide matching presentation.pdf
Kobus Responding to review
October 08
Everyone Final proposal DUE
Yekaterina Kharitonova Vision lecture on a general slide matching approach. paper
Kobus Computational experiments
October 14
CVPR paper drafts due to Kobus. Final submission in four weeks.
October 15
Denis Gorbunov Generalized Biped Walking Control: Real-time physics-based simulation of walking paper
October 22
Everyone Project progress presentations
October 28
CVPR papers due in 14 days
October 29
Kobus Vision lecture on XXX
Kobus Running computational experiments
Kobus Writing papers
November 04
CVPR papers due in seven days
November 05
Kobus Vision lecture on XXX
Kobus More on reviewing
November 11
CVPR papers due TODAY
November 12
Yekaterina Kharitonova Vision lecture on accurate alighment of presentation slides with educational video paper
Kobus TBA
November 19
Kyle Simek Vision lecture on an introduction to Markov-Chain Monte Carlo and its application to optimization problems presentation
Jinyan Guan Vision lecture computing the physical parameters of rigid-body motion from video presentation
Kobus More on reviewing and responding to reviews.
November 26
Thanksgiving No class
November 30 (Tuesday)
Everyone Solid draft of paper due
December 03
Everyone Final project presentations
December 10
Everyone Reviews of paper DUE
December 14
Everyone Project code and scripts submited into SVN
Noon, December 17
Everyone Final paper with all reviewers comments taken into account.

Link to syllabus