A significant portion of the human brain is devoted to understanding spatial
data and its relation to the world. Through the ages humans have naturally
developed external representations of such information for communication,
planning, understanding, and entertainAngus Forbes
Angus Forbes
The calculus requirement can be waived for students who are sufficiently
familiar with functions and Cartesian coordinates that they could enroll in in
Math 124.
Time and Place
10:00AM - 10:50AM, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Biol Sci West, Rm 219.
Co-taught by Kobus Barnard and Angus Forbes.
Kobus Barnard
Office: Gould-Simpson 927A.
Email: kobus @ sista.arizona.edu    (remove blanks around the @)
Office: Gould-Simpson 809.
Email: angus.forbes @ gmail.com    (remove blanks around the @)
An introductory programming course (e.g., ISTA 130), basic matrix algebra, and
basic calculus (e.g. Math 124 or equivalent).
(Textbook, outline, grading, policies, etc.).
All other course information and materials is in D2L.