Spring 2012 - ISTA410/510 - Bayesian Modeling and Inferece

Take home final

Due: Tuesday, May 08, 2012, late (i.e., before Wednesday 9am)

Credit: 20 points or 40/3 points if it is better for your grade to count all take home tests the same.

This take home final must be done individually

You need to hand in a PDF for this assignment.

A link to the assignment.

A link to the Matlab function secret(x,y) which you will need if you chose to do question 3.

To hand in the above, use the turnin program available on lectura (turnin key is ista410_final).

For those not familiar with turnin:

To hand in files using turnin you need to sign onto machine lectura, and make sure that the files you want to hand in are in a directory that lectura sees, and then change to that directory. Note that your home directory on the graphics machines and lectura is the same, so if you have just tested your program on a graphics machine, you have probably done all the file transferring that you need to do. To hand in file XXX, you would do the following:

turnin ista410_final XXX
To hand in multiple files, you can have additional files after the XXX, or do this multiple times. For a different assignment, you will need to use a different key.

For more detailed instructions, use:

man turnin
on lectura.