Spring 2012 - ISTA410/510 - Bayesian Modeling and Inferece

Take home midterm two

Due: Saturday, April 28, 2012, late (i.e., before Sunday 9am)

Credit: 10 points

This midterm must be done individually. Clarification questions (e.g., "is this a typo?") can be posted to the mail list, but questions regarding how to proceed should be directed to the instructor.

(The main difference between "exams" and assignments in this class is the degree of collaboration that is acceptable.).

You need to hand in a PDF for this assignment. There is no programming involved.

A link to a pdf for the assignment.

To hand in the above, use the turnin program available on lectura (turnin key is ista410_m2).

For those not familiar with turnin:

To hand in files using turnin you need to sign onto machine lectura, and make sure that the files you want to hand in are in a directory that lectura sees, and then change to that directory. Note that your home directory on the graphics machines and lectura is the same, so if you have just tested your program on a graphics machine, you have probably done all the file transferring that you need to do. To hand in file XXX, you would do the following:

turnin ista410_mt2 XXX
To hand in multiple files, you can have additional files after the XXX, or do this multiple times. For a different assignment, you will need to use a different key.

For more detailed instructions, use:

man turnin
on lectura.