Spring 2013 - ISTA410/510 - Bayesian Modeling and Inferece

Assignment Two

Due: Sunday, February 03, 2013, late (i.e., Monday 9am)

Ugrad: 10 points
Grad: 10 points

This assignment should be written up individually, but you can discuss the problems with others if you like. If you have substantive discussion on the approach to problems with pepole other than the instructor, please make a note of it where relevant.

You can do the programming parts of this assignment in any language you like including Matlab or C/C++ except one optional challenge problem which would have to be done in C. There is no need to learn or use C/C++ in this course, but that is an option for the few that might be tempted.

Information for those working in C/C++.

You need to hand in both a PDF as well as any code that you wrote.

Late policy: Once the grader has finished the grading, assignments will no longer be graded. Note that the system for handing in assignments allows you to update your assignment. However, if you do this after the grader has graded yours, they will not notice.

A link to a pdf for the assignment.

Important additional information

You must consult ISTA-410-510-assignment-instructions.pdf for detailed instructions for preparing assignments for this course.

To hand in your assignment, you need to use D2L