create_program(1) create_program(1) Identification A script to create a new program with kjb makefiles ARGUMENTS A name of a subdirectory to be added to the current working directory, followed optionally by the name of a program template string. Strings correspond to directories as the part between "program_" and "_template". Valid template strings and their corresponding directory names are as follows: NULL program_template with_lib program_with_lib_template group program_group_template fancy program_fancy_template Description This script creates a new program a few template files and associated makefiles. It assumes that "Make" and "lib" are up to date. Use SVN to achieve this. This script must be run in or below a directory (usually "src") which has the sub-directories "lib" and "Make". The new component is built using the program template directory with the above name in src. If this exists locally in ~/src/examples/templates (update with "svn"), then that will be used. Otherwise, the script attempts to use the one in ~kobus/src/examples/templates or ~kobus/src_dist/latest, and if that fails, it tries to get one from v01 using rsync and ssh. The first string (NULL) is for a directory with a single very simple main program which we set to the directory name. The second (with lib) has example local lib dirs. The third (group) is a simple example with multiple mains. This is a good choide for a library test directory. The fourth is a fancier program that has more example code, and shows how we also can integrate a "version" source file.